пятница, 14 декабря 2012 г.


1.spiteful ['spaɪtf(ə)l]-злобный,злой,язвительный
He's the spitefullest of talkers in our town.
Together they waged a perfunctory battle.
3.engraver [ɪn'greɪvə]-гравер
the engraver's son
4.rafter ['rɑːftə]-стропило
its rafters
5.evil ['iːv(ə)l]-зло,вред,ущерб.
house into evil.
6.sycamore ['sɪkəmɔː]-платан(дерево)
the sycamores beat out the children every time.
7.carelessness ['keələsnəs]-нерадивость,халатность,беспечность.

Gross carelessness

8.chamomile ['kæməmaɪl]-ромашка

When the last of the chamomile was gone

9.teaspoon ['tiːspuːn]-чайная ложка
Tasting a teaspoon.
10.peach stone ['piːʧˌstəun]-хлоритовый сланец(полезное ископаемое)
Peachstone skin.
11churn [ʧɜːn] -маслобойка(перемешивать,трясти)
except for the churn
12.whisperer ['(h)wɪsp(ə)rə]-сплетник
He whispered.
13.surface ['sɜːfɪs]-вид,внешность.
his brother to pay off the debts that surfaced the minute.
14.ahead [ə'hed]-будущий,грядущий.
years ahead
15.awhile [ə'waɪl]-недолго,некоторое время
Wait awhile
16.alert [ə'lɜːt]-тревога
Alert doll
17.queenly ['kwiːnlɪ]-царственный
queenle woman Denver
Tuck in your shirt.
19.deprivation [ˌdeprɪ'veɪʃ(ə)n]-потеря,убыток
Her deprivation had been not having any dreams of her own at all.
20.cabin ['kæbɪn]-нищий дом
Arrived at her cabin .
21.petticoat ['petɪkəut]-детская юбочка
Nor herself time to take off her petticoat.
22.brine [braɪn] -рассол,морская вода 
the brine in the barrel
23.honeysuckle ['hʌnɪˌsʌkl]-жимолость
Hidden behind honeysuckle
24.foolishness ['fuːlɪʃnəs] -безрассудство ,глупость
His foolishness made him smile.
25.tenderness ['tendənəs]-мягкость
Was a gesture of tenderness
26.swollen ['swəulən] -вздутый,опухший.
How they were so swollen she could not see her arch.
27.handkerchief ['hæŋkəʧiːf]-носовой платок 
Talked soft and spit in handkerchiefs.
28.extinguish [ɪk'stɪŋgwɪʃ]-тушить,гасить
But did nothing to extinguish the eagerness of the coloredpeople.
29.assumption [ə'sʌmpʃ(ə)n]-вступление в должность
the assumption of a new position
30.reluctant [rɪ'lʌkt(ə)nt]-неохотный,вынужденный.
She was relucant to enter.
31.shadow ['ʃædəu]-тень,полумрак
He didn't want to cast a shadow on their happiness
32.abandoned [ə'bændənd]-заброшенный 
abandoned property

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